Posted: October 10, 2011 by scratbagroberts in computers, free-bsd, pc-bsd, technology

I may start writing about open source software in addition to technology on this blog.

The book I read to research this post was The Definitive Guide to PC-BSD by Dru Lavigne which is an excellent book and which I got from my local library.

BSD stands for Berkeley Software Distribution and it was a version of Unix developed at Berkeley University in California and which they kept updated until the early 90’s when the open source community took over. In march 1993 the NetBSD community was formed which developed BSD so that it would work on virtually any computer architecture. Another group called the FreeBSD group concentrated on making BSD work on personal computers and eventually wrote 21,000 applications which all work on the BSD format. There is another group called the OpenBSD group which deals with security issues. It has to be noted the author of this book has been using PC-BSD and FreeBSD for 10 years without any problems with viruses although there is an anti virus program available on the internet. In 2005 a user developed PC-BSD which is easier to use and install than FreeBSD which still retaining the features of that operating system. There is a magazine available that specializes in PC-BSD called BSD and you can buy PC-BSD on dvdrom if you don’t want to download it.


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