Archive for the ‘evernote’ Category

The book I read to research this post was Evernote: The Ultimate Evernote Guide by Scott Russell which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. This book is only around 35 pages so is quite short. Evernote is a combined note taking website and apps that lets you synchronize notes across your computers and mobile devices. When Apple were in development for iOS for the iPhone one thing they wanted was have apps for popular websites built into the operating system and Evernote were one of the first to get on board with this. Most people just need the basic free account which lets you upload upto 60 MB of notes a month. The premium accounts costs $5 per month and lets you upload upto 1 GB of notes a month as well as attach and search within PDF documents. You can also lets 3rd parties edit your work with the latter. There is a add on app called Skitch which lets you make mark up notes with in your Evernote documents. One of the beauties of Evernote is you can access your work almost anyway whether it be by smartphone, by laptop at a wireless AP or by tablet at home on your wireless network, you get my drift. In this way you can easily find what you need because you can attach tags to your notes which are searchable. There are probably more detailed books on Evernote and seem to remember reading Evernote For Dummies for example, which are more comprehensive but this book does an adequate job of covering the basics. I think as far as using the apps and website are concerned most people can work that out for themselves. I do recommend this book.