Archive for the ‘sleep’ Category

The book I read to research this post was Dreaming A Very Short Introduction by J Allan Hobson which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. This book is part of a series where an expert on a subject writes about and they are usually around 150 pages. There is around 300 titles altogether and generally they are really good books. Dreaming to many religions is very important and if you look at Judaism for example many of the prophets in the Old Testament had dreams of meeting God and being told things. There is a technique for analyzing I read somewhere else that if you get 2 alarm clocks and set 1 an hour before you get up and the other to the time you get up you will get dreams in that hour that you can write. This book the use of dreams in divining is probably not its purpose. It is unlikely to tell you anything prophetic. In 1928 they found a way of measuring brain activity the ECG and found that dreams are accompanied by REM or rapid eye movement sleep. Another type of sleep where you don’t dream is NREM or non-rapid eye movement sleep. The brain shifts from one to the other whilst asleep. I believe sleep is merely your brain clearing out no longer important memories. One exception is if you dream something breaks down you should always check it as your subconscious is good at warning you about things like this. I did very much enjoy this book and do recommend it.