Archive for the ‘fitness’ Category

The book I read to research this post was The Real Benefits Of Exercise by Charlie Wardle which is a very good book that I downloaded for free from kindle. This book is about the benefits of exercise on your general health. There is a trend on a worldwide scale to do less exercise. This has resulted especially in the developed world in an epidemic of things like diabetes and obesity which in most cases is preventable. A worrying statistic is 16 % would drink to alleviate stress, 10 % would smoke but only 6 % would consider visiting their GP. You should try and do at least 30 minutes of exercise which should be sufficient to elevate your heart beat every day. It is no coincidence that illnesses like depression, osteoporosis, and dementia are increasing either as exercise is a factor in these too. In many sports if you have ADHD it is a plus and can help you cope with this debilitating illness. Ashley MacKenzie the Judo Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist had ADHD and was actually expelled from several schools. In many cases the best exercise you can do especially if you are getting older is brisk walking although there are other exercises you may prefer like dancing. Some people also might want to join a club so they can socialize whilst doing exercise like the Ramblers Association. Another idea is hiking which is a bit of a challenge but interest some. For example walking up Mt Snowden of Scaffel Pike and either of these can be done in a 6 hour hike to the summit and back down. It’s worth mentioning humans have an advantage over animals in that we can develop stamina and there is a competition over 50 miles of man competing against a horse which most years is won by man. I think one of these competitions is held in Herefordshire every year. Your top goal in exercising should be to develop stamina. I did find this book very interesting and would definitely recommend it.

Wii Fitness

Posted: September 6, 2011 by scratbagroberts in fitness, nintendo, technology, wii

The book I have read to research this post is Wii Fitness For Dummies by Bill Loguidice and Christina T Loguidice  and I’d say it’s a good book but I would only get it if you have at least two of the three games that are covered in the book. The three games are:

1 Wii Fit Plus

2 Wii EA Sports Active and

3 Jillian Michaels Personal Trainer 2010.

Apparently Jillian Michaels 2010 is a big improvement on 2009. All three games use the Wii Fit Board and the Wii EA Sports Active uses resistance bands as well. My favourite Wii fitness device which is not covered in this book is the Cyberbike which retails for approx £100 in the UK.

One thing I forgot to mention in the Wii blog yesterday is that there is a form of avatar called a Mii which you can purchase on one of the Wii channels. It’s a kind of customisable picture that represents you and you mainly use it for online gaming.

I notice someone has left a message saying that I should use bold and itallics and H tags. I think my posts are too short for H tags but I will use the other two. If anyone wants to leave a message I do enjoy getting feedback.