Archive for the ‘leukemia’ Category

The book I read to research this post was Banned in the USA by Dr William Rader which is one of the best books I have ever read & which I bought from Kindle. This book is very controversial as such I am not going to give an opinion on whether the treatment is genuine or not. I will merely explain what the book is about then let you make your own mind up. I think really to fully evaluate this book you would need to be a doctor which I am just a layman. This book potentially offers hope to people with things like cancer, AIDS, parkinsons & a myriad of other illnesses. A lot of the controversy is they use fetal matter from aborted fetuses. A lot of the research was done in Britain & the Ukraine by Dr Rader. Another point is he refuses to do double blind trials. These are trials where one patient is given the treatment & another is given a placebo. He feels it’s condemning one person to death. I think he currently practises in China. The treatment is called fetal stem cell treatment. It’s basically they take fetal matter change the DNA to that of the patient & transplant it into the patient. The Bush administration banned this treatment & under Obama it may take many years to get this treatment approved. Many of the drug companies are upset because in a lot of cases the treatment removes the need for drugs. He claims if someone has cancer they can upgrade the immune system to that of an 8 year old & as a result give a much higher dose of chemotherapy. In addition the upgraded immune system is better able to fight the cancer. He also claims if someone has leukemia they can grow bone marrow suitable for transplant without the need for immuno-suppresant drugs. I’ve barely scraped the surface with this post but I suggest if someone is interested they get the book & make their own mind up. I imagine the treatment must cost a lot of money.