Archive for the ‘bestsellers’ Category

The book I read to research this post was Pills, Thrills and Methadone Spills 2 by Mr Dispenser which is a very good book that I bought on kindle. I have reviewed the first book in the series as well and this book although not quite as good continues its anecdotes about being a pharmacist. Mr Dispenser uses an alias to avoid getting in trouble for what he writes and has gleaned a lot of quotes from other pharmacists and health professionals in the book. One funny quote in the first book I forget to mention was pharmacists don’t get lunch breaks as it increases waiting times. In this book there is a quote that some people complain about the cost of lunch but for pharmacists lunch doesn’t exist. Somebody apparently claimed his ferret hid his medication. In another incident a widow whose husband had died wished to get his prescription because she liked taking some of his medication. In another incident there was an important pharmacological meeting and everyone was told turn off there mobile phones, mid-meeting someones mobile phone rang and the chap went out and said I must take this. When he came back in he told them one of the drugs was being increased in price by 70 % from the following week. At least they all left to order what suplies remained of that drug to avoid the increase. This book is around 200 pages so is a decent length. Apparently even though the book is British a lot of Americans have been buying it as it is a very funny book. I did enjoy this book and do recommend it.

The book I read to research this post was Pills, Thrills And Methadone Spills by Mr Dispenser which is a very good book that I bought on kindle. This book is written by a pharmcist who also uses social media and a blog under an anonymous name which lets high be quite honest about his job. He has also got in touch with other pharmacists online and collected some of their anecdotes for the book. It is about the humorous side of being a pharmacy manager and is particularly good for anyone considering that career. One young assistant was asked had she anything for crabs and recommended thousand island dressing for example. On another occassion someone wanted a pharmacist to check her for lice which turned out to be pubic lice and the pharmacist screamed and ran out the room but once she composed herself had to go back and appologise. On another occassion the pharmacist thought someone wanted to buy some rice which again turned out to be something for pubic lice. One pharmacist had to do 4 morning after pill consultations in one morning which turned out to have been connected to a particularly raunchy film broadcast on television the night before. One lady called gingko biloba funky tablets and they had to tell her to go home and bring the old bottle because they didn’t have a clue what she was on about. On another occassion someone wanted some joyrides which the pharmacist was sure must be a brand of condoms but turned out to be travel sickness tablets. This book is around 160 pages so is a reasonable length. I enjoyed reading it and do recommend it. Mr Dispenser has also written a sequel which I can’t wait to read.