Archive for the ‘advertising’ Category

The book I read to research this post was Internet Privacy, Anonymity & Security by Matthew Bailey which is an excellent book that I read on kindle unlimited. This book is around 500 pages so is a decent length. If you want to find out what someone is writing on facebook or another social media site but their page is password protected and you know someone they are friends who they are friends with who doesn’t have the same security one technique is to look at their timeline which is bound to have updates from that person. Another technique is to set up a fake account and just send that person a friends request. Facebook as you probably know mines your data you put on their site and passes on relevant data to companies and advertisers. Any sites with a facebook like or login buttons pass on information to facebook. If you do a search in Google search engine it is recorded and passed onto potential advertisers. There is a search engine that doesn’t record searches at Your internet browser records various information about your web activity like sites visited and favorites although this data can be cleaned out. Some people especially political dissidents use a web proxy that hides their web activity and identity although it slows down there web connection. One is at It isn’t connected to tor browser despite the name. Any e-mail accounts are mined for data which is why they are often free. One exception and it is free is at There are e-mail accounts that are completely anonymous but if you try to get a social media account through these they are often blacklisted and don’t work. This is one of the best books I have seen on hiding your web activity and I would definitely recommend it.

The book I read to research this post was My Blog Traffic Sucks by Steve Scott which is a very good book that I purchased from kindle. This book was a free download and relatively short as a result. I prefer longer books but the book is interesting. Steve has a website that has received over a million hits and a blog that has received over a hundred thousand. I suspect he makes most of his money from e-books. There are too many e-books on kindle about blogging and of course there are so many that are free there is little in buying any. Steve very much likes the ideas of having a youtube channel to promote your blog. He comments on many blogs and does guests posts where you also have to answer people’s comments. He suggests if you comment on blogs make it relevant and only do guest blogs on sites that get high traffic. I think if you do guest blogs it probably can’t be re-used on your blog. He also suggests doing social media with google +, facebook, pinterest, linkedin & twitter. He also suggests before writing a post write down potential search terms which you must include in your post. I must admit many of these books seem pretty much the same. I have read many of them although I am guilty of not putting a lot of it into practice. I just focus on writing good content. At least he doesn’t suggest trading links which seems very dodgy and is frowned on by search engines. Maybe read this book if you are new to this topic otherwise like me you could have probably written this book.

The book I read to research this post was Mining The Gold On Facebook by Kimberly Dubbeld-Deas which is a very good book which I bought on kindle. Kimberly has done a series of these books that includes Linkedin & Twitter as well as this book. They break down the process of marketing your company into simple steps that anyone can follow. She also tells you about apps and websites that can help in this process with many of them being free. I own all 3 of these guides and may re-read them so I can market my blogs more effectively. Anyway to market on Facebook you need a business and a personal page and the latter will mostly have interesting information about you and maybe a little about your company but not too much. Your business page can run apps like a social media calender or a like button which a personal page can’t do. You need to define your target market which is based on various demographics like age, sex, location etc. One part of your marketing is sending ads to these potential clients and you must work how much you can reasonably afford in seeking out these clients. With many the best you can hope for is they will click the like button on your page and maybe give you some referrals. There is an app called google calendar that will work with smartphones and let you plan your day. At they are specialists at defining the demographics of your potential customers for a fee. If you go to they have an app that schedules your posts so they are being posted at different times to maximize exposure. At you can see stats for visitors to your facebook pages. At you can check if your page name or business name is available on a variety of social media sites. At they have apps for your business page quite a lot of which are free. You need to define keywords for your business page so people can find you and check your competitors pages to see what keywords they use. Your business page needs 25 likes for you to own that domain. Facebook gives you a generic numbered domain until then. I found this book quite inspirational and very interesting.