Archive for the ‘bruno furst’ Category

The book I read to research this post was The Practical Way To A Better Memory by Dr Bruno Furst which is an excellent book that I bought from a local secondhand bookstore. I think this book is still in print despite it being quite old. It is around 240 pages so is a reasonable length and apparently Bruno has memorized the facts from over 200 books using the techniques he writes about. The book tells you the right techniques to memorize almost anything. There is even a section on foreign languages where the ghist seems to be to use a 3rd word that links the foreign word to the English word or definition. It can be in a 3rd language you have knowledge of or an alternate word in English. A lot of the book uses mnemonics to memorize facts. These can using the letters n and m to memorize 2 and 3 respectively or using the order of the alphabet or taking a key letter from the word and using several of the key letters to make a phrase. Ideally the phrase or word should be connected to the facts you are trying to remember. The skills in this book are like any other skill where initially you have to work at it and get competent and eventually you do it almost automatically. In its time this book has been regarded as a classic and I read a copy in the 80’s so I did know it was a great book.